Monday, May 17, 2010

Spanish 2 Piñatas

Much of the Mexican culture can be learned surrounding "5 de Mayo" and it's celebration. To better understand why Mexicans celebrate this holiday students watched a short film that informed them that it is not Mexico's independence day but rather a day to celebrate the victory of a great battle won by Mexican Citizens known as "La Batalla de Puebla". In order to understand how Mexicans traditionally celebrate this holiday the students of Mr. Payne's Spanish 2 classes worked very hard on making Piñatas, with a modern twist. Thanks to Mrs. Vannoy, students had access to paint and really made their Piñatas come alive. Mrs. Self allowed us to display them in thee media center to be voted on by high school faculty. The 3 Piñatas with the most votes will have the honor of being busted open during our final PRIDE program. Thanks again Mr. KP. Mrs. Jurado was a great help in class to students by inspiring ideas and helping all over.
Here they are: